TIME Star Trek: Inside the Most Influential Science Fiction Series Ever

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Science Fiction & Fantasy

TIME Star Trek: Inside the Most Influential Science Fiction Series Ever Details

Fifty years after the birth of the Star Trek phenomenon, the legacy is as alive as ever. In 2016 and 2017, both a new film and television installation will be added to the historic franchise, totaling thirteen feature films and six television series, causing Trekkies to rejoice around the world. The Star Trek series has not only captivated our imaginations, but also our hearts as we adventure alongside Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, Spock and so many more favorite characters through galaxies and lightyears.Relive your favorite moments on this landmark anniversary in the all-new, special edition from TIME, Star Trek: Inside the Most Influential Science-Fiction Series Ever. Starring some of the most iconic characters in Hollywood history ¿ from human beings to extraterrestrials ¿ Star Trek examines how these two species work together to better understand the universe in which they live. Over the past fifty years, Star Trek has explored the future, and perhaps more importantly, the human condition, inspiring Trekkies all around the world to live long and prosper.


Perhaps TIME went to the trouble of printing this on heavier paper stock to give it the illusion that it's worth more than the magazine's cover price. It's really not. I first noticed that many articles repeated the same information, and/or referenced the same episodes (TOS' "...Last Battlefield," TNG's "The Outcast"). Then, I found outright errors ("Private Little War" involved the Klingons, NOT the Romulans; had the editors read the entire issue, they'd have found another author getting that correct), and items that were perhaps typos. (On page 51, "On the Small Screen" caption, with the use of "This..." (instead of "The"), implies that the referenced photo is Shatner's "Get a Life" SNL skit. It's not.) Although I realize the "50 years" designation applies mostly to the original series, the other four TV series (especially the last three) and most of the films receive little discussion. I was also disappointed that quotes from cast members were scarce; it seemed as if the writers' source material consisted of web searches and Memory-Alpha.org. Some of the photo reproductions look as if they're screen-captures from VHS tapes; grainy, out-of-focus. I expected more from TIME; however, I guess the print medium isn't what it used to be.

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